"Mahoro" is an intricately designed facility, incorporating a co-living space, a shared kitchen and a communal rental space. The name,"Mahoro," derives from the ancient term "Mahoroba," which embodies the notion of an ideal habitat and a realm of comfort. Our aspiration lies in establishing an atmosphere of peace, happiness and joy, facilitated through connections that transcend generations and borders. Through the activities within our co-living space, rental space and kitchen, we wish for "Mahoro" to become the home of a peaceful community.
Workshop & Event
Co-living space
The co-living space I offer is exclusively for women and comprises three rooms. When I was traveling around the world in the year 2017, I was astonished upon witnessing the difference in the amount of expressing one’s opinions of non-Japanese Asian students in comparison to their Japanese counterparts. While the most direct route for Japanese youth to explore the world and broaden their knowledge remains to be studying abroad, it is not necessarily an option available to everyone. As our world progresses further into borderlessness, it will become imperative for Japanese students to understand and appreciate foreign cultures and ideologies. Imagine the prospect of cohabitating with young individuals from various corners of the globe within Japan - an opportunity for mutual understanding. We hope that the co-living space in "mahoro" will become such a haven, and facilitate these transformative experiences.
Rental space and kitchen
If there were a place where one could impart their interests to others and engage in mutual learning, would not life be enriched? The desire to present and exhibit one's creations, as well as the thrill of acquiring new knowledge, engender within us a deep resonance that we hold dear. We also wish to support individuals who aspire to establish their classrooms in the future, by extending the use of the rental space and kitchen for their starting up their endeavors.